Submitted by t3_10c881t in springfieldMO

I have a storage unit at Uhaul and I’ve lost the key to my unit. In the past they would cut the lock, no problem, now they won’t so I have to get a locksmith. Does anyone know the going rate? I would love to cut it off myself but they won’t let me. I called one person and they were $50. I’m sure that’s a fair price but I just can’t afford that right now, sadly. Life is so expensive these days.



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t1_j4eku4d wrote

If they won't cut the lock, why don't YOU cut the lock? Are you allowed to use bolt cutters on your own lock?


OP t1_j4fi3oy wrote

Oh I have bolt cutters and was prepared to cut it myself, but they wouldn’t let me. And they won’t cut it… which leaves me no option but to use a locksmith. They even had someone they recommended. A little sketch if you ask me. So naturally I won’t use them.


t1_j4hkhx1 wrote

Just go back later and tell them you found the “key” if they ask.


t1_j4hest4 wrote

I have a lock pick set you can borrow, and I'll show you how to use it. You would be surprised at how easy it is to pick a lock, especially a cheap Master lock. If it's a really fancy lock, it may be a bit harder, but I'll bet it's going to be easy.


t1_j4hhghh wrote

Coincidentally, I just watched a video from Lock Picking Lawyer on YouTube a few minutes ago. His videos always scare me a bit about how easy it is to pick most locks. Nothing is secure!


t1_j4hvrpy wrote

Yeah, but a lock only needs to be as secure as bolt cutters, in most cases, or breaking a window, or cordless angle grinders. I've never picked a car lock, but they say they're the easiest of all because no thieves take the time to pick a car lock. They just break the window.


OP t1_j4i0xsz wrote

I might take you up on that…. But only for my storage lock… yep, that’s it….

Nothing to see here…. Move along


t1_j4emyza wrote

$20 to $50 depending on who you call and how long it takes. Should be on the low end for a padlock.


OP t1_j4fi9lv wrote

Yeah, it’s nothing special. I like more on the $20 end. I wouldn’t have thought as much as $50, though. That seemed a little excessive.


t1_j4hcotk wrote

I used to work at the one on campbell, i promise you, you can cut your own locks.


OP t1_j4i0mh2 wrote

Wtf! That’s where mine is at! They told me I couldn’t! This is ridiculous.


t1_j4iht2w wrote

Did you sign a contract for the unit? If so, does it say anything about you not being able to cut your own lock? The lock is your property.