
BeerChemistWhiskey t1_je60bln wrote

Reply to comment by Maxwyfe in Surgery options by Anima_EB

They do this for scheduled baby deliverys as well. Went through having to pay 3k+ up front, even though it was all reimbursed by insurance after the fact. Kind of a backwards system.

Probably they want to cover incidentals or unforeseen events that aren't covered. Instead of hounding you for the cash they think they deserve they already have it to withhold from you.


BeerChemistWhiskey t1_j93g1ny wrote

There is no drink that will magically make you pass a drug test. THC metabolites are already in your blood stream and urine and nothing will remove them besides just waiting for your own body to remove them while you cease smoking well before a drug test.

"Detoxing" products are snake oil, placebo at best and a waste of money