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throwawayyyycuk t1_j5astx4 wrote

Reply to comment by throwawayyyycuk in Pay by But_Ox

My opinion is that servers should be paid above minimum wage across the board, missouris minimum wage just got increased recently which is good, but with inflation it’s still far below the living wage from like the 70s. Fed min wage is a absolute joke. I am surprised missouris is as high as it is though, considering Springfield is very inexpensive to live in (compared to other cities of its size) it sort of works out, but rent is only going up my friend.

To a lesser point, I’ve never been a waiter but my friends who have been definitely had nights that made up for them making UNDER minimum wage because there were tipped so well, but at the same time the working conditions forced them to do the job of the waitstaff, the busser, seating people and a bunch of managerial duties they were in no way compensated for.

Lastly, they should unionize, big chains like Olive Garden first and then generally.