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WendyArmbuster t1_j5mmn75 wrote

When comparing schools do not base your decision on what the "best" schools are on standardized testing. Nixa especially has leaned into test scores heavily as a way to boost property values (since they don't have anything else), but the teacher burnout and lack of teacher autonomy is brewing a low-level mutiny. The teachers are being micro-managed to death, and most of the Nixa teachers I know plan to leave in the near future. I mean, if you value test scores over critical thinking and big picture ideas, Nixa will suit your needs, and honestly some people are looking for that. I don't know many Ozark teachers, but I hear it's similar there.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j5o3kzv wrote

So very much this.

The ironic thing is that the schools administrations were trying to catch up to with that kind of BS are doing the exact opposite and teaching critical thinking, big-picture type lesson plans so the students are just better able to learn and get better scores.

People seem to never learn that you have to come at this stuff sideways.