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utilitybelt t1_j62drbr wrote

From the article: In April 2020, a PPP application was filed by “Peter Gollan” on behalf of Diagnostic Equipment Inc. Federal documents show that “Gollan” was a fake identity used by Felts. The application claimed the business had 55 employees and an average monthly payroll of $330,148.

This is almost certainly a company he created to commit Medicare fraud.


Tothoro t1_j62l6p1 wrote

> Felts applied for another PPP loan using his Cluck 2 company and used those funds to buy more jewelry. Federal documents show he spent $16,783 for a ladies’ “RoyalT” Tacori eternity band. He went back the next day to return the wedding band.

Oof. Guess it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.


dead_wit_laugh t1_j6352fn wrote

His purchases were so tacky. The classic "working class vision of the rich" aesthetic. Real Gs launder it so thoroughly that it's all a fart in the wind by the time there's any attempts to audit.


Ed_the_time_traveler t1_j63fefq wrote

"Real Gs move in silence, like lasagna"


VaderTower t1_j694yks wrote

Exactly what I said last night when I had a similar conversation. He bought some nicer cars, and Rolex, and a boat.

Like, doing federal fraud (blatantly) for $1mm? Not worth it, too much at stake and too big of losses. $5mm minimum, and you get that out of the US ASAP!


Low_Tourist t1_j631zx6 wrote

This guy is so damn messy about all the fraud he's committing too. Did he really think no one was gonna notice he's paying his fast food workers $50 an hour? Or that, like, there's NO building there, let alone a business that's operational?


the_honeyman t1_j63seaw wrote

One of his aliases was "Tom Holland."

This dude didn't think terribly hard about anything.


miss_hetfield t1_j646kmr wrote

Hey, probably took him at least 5 minutes to pair "Tom Holland" with a company name of "Super's Entertainment."


Low_Tourist t1_j64wul2 wrote

I saw the Tom Holland alias, but missed the Super's Entertainment. I'm not sure it was there last night.

And also - getting all your family members cars seized because you didn't want to pay sales tax AND bought them with money obtained fraudulently.


ninepepper t1_j66dh1e wrote

He counted on the fact he was a "job creator" and, as-such, the backbone of the "American Entrepreneurial Spirit" that the Executive Branch wouldn't come for him. Guess he learned he was a minnow in a much bigger pond than he thought he was.

It is likely there are many more high profile business owners in Springfield who got away with PPP forgiven loans (that didn't really need them) than this guy who go holding the bag.

Truthfully, if 417 or any other local print media wanted to "make their bones" they would chase down this tip-of-the-iceburg.


Low_Tourist t1_j672lxu wrote

Personally, I'd love for anyone to investigate Hurts.


malevolentk t1_j67id9p wrote

My fingers are crossed for James River

*that their loan is investigated - not that they continue to get away with everything


Jimithyashford t1_j62iga3 wrote

Absolute fucking scumbag.

I liked bourbon and Beale though.



robzilla71173 t1_j643589 wrote

I loved going to White River. Had a great little patio and always had decent music on the weekends. Haven't been since finding out he owned it a few months ago, and from the looks of it on weekend nights when I've driven by, I think a lot of people feel the same way.


whistletipss t1_j65n49t wrote

Wire Road is a great brewery and has great live music often. I understand if it was a location thing though. White River did make great beers.


robzilla71173 t1_j65ryuk wrote

The location was one of the draws for me with white river. It's between where I spend summer nights on my bike and where I live. It just seems like the crowd has diminished somewhat since this all started to come out. It was never huge, it was just a little too far west of the action, but it had a healthy supply of regulars and that seems to have gone down. I've never been to Wire Road, was supposed to go to an event there this week but completely zoned on it. Is that in Battlefield?


whistletipss t1_j65skmb wrote

Yeah. On the very southside of battlefield. Basically at Republic road and West bypass.


MidwestFescue82 t1_j64etf3 wrote

"The guy is the devil incarnate, great hamburgers though". Absolutely hilarious.... yum yum getcha some.


MidwestFescue82 t1_j66351v wrote

Judge me if u will Springfield. I stand by my hilarious comment and the karma that is playing out before us....


goldencrisp t1_j645gel wrote

So he’s saying his partner from Houston is the one that actually committed the fraud but the paper trail says he used the PPP money for luxury items? I seem to remember him bitching on Facebook about how Springfield residents don’t know what good food is because his restaurants were failing.

He’s playing the victim card and doing damage control while the Feds seize all his shit. B&B, Hot Cluckers, and Taco Habitat all suddenly closed at various points so I don’t know why anyone would stay employed with him as it seems those days are numbered. Is there any other businesses he has in town that should be avoided?


dannyjbixby t1_j64digu wrote

White River I think may be the only one still open, but I’m not certain


jimmycrackcornmfs t1_j66sofw wrote

I thought he owned the little taco joint on cherry at pickwick?


Low_Tourist t1_j67f303 wrote

No, he owns Taco Habitat, that's by Target and Homegoods


ArtemisGrey t1_j66jdfx wrote

I tend to try most new restaurants in town at least once. I looked at Taco Habitat google reviews and decided to never go. Small portions, long wait time and the kicker - complaints of a person in charge (not him) openly yelling and talking down to employees.


Choosing_Kind t1_j663v4v wrote

Wait! Taco habitat is closed now???


phenixflyer t1_j66boib wrote

Closed yesterday. They came and took everything out today


Zahille7 t1_j6c79gx wrote

Huh. Interesting/fun little building, though. I ate there once a year or two ago and wasn't super impressed.


Financial_Moment6610 t1_j62vex1 wrote

They should look into David Blackburn, owner of Southern Rock Restaurants, who owns all of the McAlister Deli’s in springfield.


Kilo417 t1_j62w7tr wrote

Why is that the case? Did you ever work for the company and observe morale, ethical or financial violations?


Financial_Moment6610 t1_j64mm8e wrote

Well I found out that Southern Rock took out 10 million in ppp for “payroll” purposes but no store around here ever saw any benefit, instead they actually cut the store staff down to the bare minimum. They did also take a company trip to Cancun which you can see the photos on his website. Coincidence? I did use to work for them, several years actually so I know a few things. I met him once but he was very rude to the staff working. Came up to the counter and had them take his order, bring his food out, etc. The vibe was odd though around him, like he was above you or something.


Benway23 t1_j653xx5 wrote

I guarantee "no one wants to work anymore" has come out of this guys mouth...


bthornsy t1_j65mwf1 wrote

Most definitely, and you can bet he’s bitched about government assistance for the poor. What a loser lol


MappingClouds t1_j64ad5v wrote

I also love the fact that a city council member is his lawyer.


VaderTower t1_j694gxw wrote

Everyone needs a lawyer, even shitty people. I don't always agree with Councilman McGull but he shouldn't be looked down upon for representing that asshole.


brokendownfords t1_j65msh7 wrote

It’s pretty funny that the two people that had Lamborghini Aventador SVJ’s ($500,000+ cars) in town were both busted scamming people/the government. The guy from Queen City Motors was the other one.


dannyjbixby t1_j64dooi wrote

Seems like a real piece of garbage. So far his big defense is that it was his business partner…but it sure seems like it wasn’t his business partner’s yacht and fleet of vehicles.



slk1722 t1_j658k5d wrote

dude is having a midlife crisis my god


sourwookie t1_j66nlyp wrote

Me too but at least I’m aware, keep it mostly to myself, and when I don’t am actively making fun of myself for it.


Always_0421 t1_j63n01w wrote

Hope this piece of shit gwt everything he deserves.

Sucks because is really liked bourbon and beale and the chicken strips at hot cluckers were good too


Dear_Significance_80 t1_j63qtt0 wrote

I wonder if he had already ditched the Lambo.


Citizenchimp t1_j64o774 wrote

What a piece of garbage! Maybe White River will finally close? Worst beer in town, IMO.


the_honeyman t1_j6639mr wrote

The Nitro Table Rock Red is the best beer made in Springfield and I'll fight anybody over it lol.

Well, I would have before all this shit came out.


aujii11 t1_j63elsu wrote

Maybe I'm missing something, but is there something new here? Just the extent of what he purchased? KY3 already reported on the PPP fraud last year.
