
laffingriver t1_j9ykdw7 wrote

sounds like the students lodged the complaints because she wasted their time and interrupted their event.

arent board members usually mandated to make decisions but otherwise keep out of the day to day business? why is a board member directly involved?

when i was in school i never once had an interaction with a school board member.

micromanagers are the worst.


laffingriver t1_j7uuxnm wrote

“cause problems”. please tell us in plain english, like we are a five year old,

how $1400 checks from 2 years ago have anything to do with rent prices today, or how those checks affected home inventories.

use specifics, draw a direct line. and then do us a favor and tell us what that has to do with this development.


laffingriver t1_j7uaohl wrote

are they building a walmart here? get out of here with your strawman nonsense.

its a small apartment complex, single family homes for purchase, and a small park on an otherwise untaxed piece of church realestate.

this will help the housing shortage and bring revenue to the city so we can invest in Your neighborhood.


laffingriver t1_j60315u wrote

if the restriction has loopholes written into the law by the peopleset to benefit from the loophole is it really a restriction?

if the law is in place but has no teeth, is it worth the paper its written on?

congressional corruption is bigger than their abilities to trade stocks. so the solution needs to be bigger than that.

and again this bill is performative bs, everyone sees it, he is clearly trolling, its going nowhere so why even take it seriously?


laffingriver t1_j5zuhc0 wrote

i think it was him speaking to a media scrum at the capitol or maybe on the floor in response to the previous bill. it may have been someone at his office when i called about it. but i remember him talking about how he felt a secondary family member ban was going to far. ill see of i can find it but i have a life to live too.

i read his bill from the link provided by the hill and it says only immediate family members.

it doesnt specify any rules regarding a blind trust other than referencing another law, which is likely full of loopholes and that will need to be addressed too.

the point being this is a gesture in bad faith that im sure a lot of americans would support but its dead on arrival because he and other members make too much money off it, or their wall street friends who make a percentage on the trades wont make campaign donations. cant let that well dry up.