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t1_j97cd7g wrote

There is also a learning curve in manufacturing ….


t1_j97zpeq wrote

I wonder how steep it is. Like all the way from high quality standards down to seeing teeth marks on the case?


t1_j988006 wrote

Even the Chinese factories seem to only put out quality products when their foreign clients demand only the highest quality control standards.

Left to their own devices, they seem content shipping really inconsistent stuff. I can’t think of many Chinese-owned brands have made a big impact internationally.


t1_j98h1pp wrote

Anker? Most people seem to trust them over the “no name” stuff these days but they were also a no name when they started.


t1_j98m6bz wrote

Well, until they lied about data encryption on their eufy cameras, and how they kept phoning home even when they were supposed to be offline? Yeah, they blew a lot of trust.


t1_j98i9rv wrote

I don't know if this is completely true but heard that "cheating" is a gray area in China in terms of culture. SO if it's down to schools or business, seems like that company had outside influence or they are so sick and tired of making cheap low quality products, someone there pulled a 180.

Edit: The only anecdotal evidence I is asking a few different students from China that go to the university.


t1_j9cco7v wrote

It's not so much "cheating" but consider this: China is a communist country (for the most part). The concept of "ownership" doesn't really apply to a lot of things in their culture. Everything is owned "by the people," so the idea of intellectual property doesn't really exist.

If they see something and think they can make a version of it, they do it. It's why even the good factories that make stuff for export have parallel production lines that make the same product with less time invested in quality control for their domestic market. Some of that stuff leaks out as "counterfeit" goods.


t1_ja2h13j wrote

DJI, Lenovo, OnePlus, Xiaomi. There's a reason why Huawei equipment were everywhere before getting ban.


t1_j98ccfu wrote

I don't think so. It's a lack of quality control. There are experts in every facet of manufacturing and quality equipment suppliers, along with Six Sigma and ISO procedures that are readily available. The only excuse for poor manufacturing output is a lack of desire to put out a quality product, usually caused by greed.


t1_j98izeu wrote

You can have problems with the manufacturing process which can take some time to dial in. This type of problem isn't due to a poor quality control, virtually every new plant has this type of problem.


t1_j98o6cs wrote

A 50% failure rate for something like a phone case isn’t remotely normal. If it were a new semiconductor process, ok, we can talk. This is a phone case.


t1_j99dbcn wrote

Firstly cad cam is nontrivial at the tolerance that apple will require.

The problem with the alternate theory is that the manufacturer knows they have a quality issue and are ignoring it or are so incompetent that they can't fix it.

Neither seems likely and I suspect there is a little bit of racism behind the comments in this thread.

Right now the manufacturer will be suffering cost blowouts and possibly contract penalties. I suspect they aren't sitting around going, 'this is the Indian way' with a little head wobble.

But the theory that Indians are lazy and incompetent is a much better story.


t1_j99xq7o wrote

I don’t see racism, that’s a lazy defence.

What I can see is that India has a similar problem to most developed countries. Skilled workers are now expensive, the cheaper workers they can afford to employ are not particularly good.

Same thing would happen in France, Canada, etc. you can’t afford to deliver the quality because the market won’t provide the correct workers for the budget.

The reason people are interested is because Vietnam, Brazil and Indonesia are starting to fill the gap of low price product production. People are watching to see if India can shift to skilled specialist manufacturing, or will fail the transition.


t1_j99x97d wrote

The issue 100% comes back to quality control. The Japanese car makers figured this out a long time ago and pioneered putting quality control into the qualification process from the start. Tons of time and money is now invested in the qualification steps before production even starts on most manufacturing done for automotive and medical devices, as well as a lot more but it's a little less strict. Source: I'm a quality engineer for a medical device manufacturing company.


t1_j9903zu wrote

It is more that greed. You have to want to make good products.


t1_j9901u0 wrote

They've been learning since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and it doesn't seem to be working.