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gwawill t1_j6vl7o0 wrote

Google is so ahead when it comes to AI, they were just worried that people won't receive it well and had to slow things down. The foundation of chatGPT is on work they did .


[deleted] t1_j6xjqi0 wrote



PoorRicklessMorty t1_j7ha2r9 wrote

It is when Google hasn't found how they want to monetize some of it and more importantly doesn't want their AI to risk brand damage. ChatGPT routinely gets things wrong or semi wrong which is expected with any AI that you have to train with data online and all it takes is their bot to say the right thing that is off base to damage Google's brand image. Google's spent $120 billion on AI in the last 6 years, just look up deepmind and alphaGo and you'll see just how much they've advanced it