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Slaiden_IV t1_j9o7wgc wrote

Umm... Can you not do that actually wtf.


OHMG69420 t1_j9omjhe wrote

Well I would love an AI that clones my voice that I can switch on when scammers call. Endless fun!


trancepx t1_j9opolr wrote

Lol, you first


TheAmateurletariat t1_j9ozzmg wrote

Scammers: "Would you sign up for this 'service' for a large annual fee?"

AI, with your voice, without your knowledge: "Yes."

Scammers: "Great, I'll just use that sound-bite to justify billing you for anything I want now."


trancepx t1_j9plpzh wrote

Thank you for saying what needed to be said, now ordering 1000 copies of paul blart mall cop.


mailslot t1_j9qrjgs wrote

Some scammers call simply to record people saying “yes?” Help with scamming to have other people’s voices.