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9-11GaveMe5G t1_j90hzqw wrote

The boundless wisdom of unimpeded capitalism will solve this


Call-Me-Robby t1_j90zq1j wrote

Your comment is supposed to be ironic but yes. Nvidia and AMD will soon stop fabricating expensive gpus if they don’t bring them enough money because no one can buy them. They’re companies, not cartoon villains who make expensive products just to fuck with the poors.


medievalmachine t1_j91nhfi wrote

Lots of companies put themselves out of business for short term profit. But that’s not the case here.

Casual and entry level PC gamers have moved to laptops and used gear from crypto and one of those is temporary. Hell, Intel is entering the market from the bottom!

But also the top end of the market expanded as people found a new way to show off. Just like cars and TVs and houses etc. There’s no issue here. Different, not worse.


WillDeletOneDay t1_j93kk4j wrote

Nvidia and AMD have a duopoly. If Intel fails to break into the market, your options will be to pay the prices they charge, go used, or not buy a GPU at all.