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Gargenville t1_j90p38s wrote

Maybe this is an age thing but as an old timer I do think it's kind of wild we have multiple people in this thread talking about their crappy old 2080, like my brother in christ that's a $700 GPU, it's insane for that to be the 'barely hanging in there' card.


hurfery t1_j90ruwf wrote

Yes, lol. The window has been moved. By a lot. The mining craze, pandemic, supply crisis, scalping, Nvidia taking maximum advantage of it all... All this has normalized paying more than 500 for a gpu. People now go up to 2000+.


NuTeacher t1_j91y5o5 wrote

I've also noticed that the window for acceptable in-game specs has changed too. It used to be that the target was 1080p and 60 fps which even the lowest end card can do now. But now people want to be able to play at 1440p 120+fps or even at 4k 60fps. The 1060 can generally get 50-60 fps at 1080p. We've seen a huge leap in power these last three generations and card prices are reflecting that.


hurfery t1_j92e4q8 wrote

4k 120 fps is where it's at. 😎

Well yes but tech progress isn't really progress if you pay 3x more for 3x performance. New tech is supposed to give more performance per dollar compared to the old one.


Agreeable-Meat1 t1_j91rbhk wrote

Meanwhile I bought an MSI laptop in 2018 on Black Friday and other than the case falling apart, there have been 0 issues.


redbrick5 t1_j90t49q wrote

I think for decades we have been accustomed to buying the latest/maxed out components when buying/building a new computer. Primarily because there was a huge improvement over the tech from 2yrs prior. No longer the situation and our lust for the best vs cost can't be rationalized


stu54 t1_j910sts wrote

The tech is still hugely better over 2 generations, but the power consumption keeps rising. Somehow a 120 watt last gen GPU became entry level.


Overall-Business-624 t1_j90tnoo wrote

it is a problem when games like hogwarts legacy barely holds 1080p60 fps on an RTX4090


Spot-CSG t1_j913u09 wrote

The ray tracing is broken thats why. I'm playing at 120fps in 1440p Ultra settings with RT off. 5800x/3070ti.


eosh t1_j924ago wrote

Yeap, I have zero issues with ray tracing off. All other settings on high with my 1080.


Nevermorre t1_j91b7ut wrote

That's why I upgraded to my current GPU. However, to be fair, I do think my RX 580 was starting to show its age and I knew it was not going to favor a lot that would be coming out fairly soon. I could still play on mid settings mostly fine, but this game specifically, had some graphic bugs - mostly with WILD water textures getting streched all over the place making vision impossible. Also, the area around where I customize my wand, I'm guessing it was the "hitbox" even though it was not an active item. Anyway, after poking around online, I found others with the same issues and we all had the same card, I think I saw a 570 but close enough.

I'm not nearly as much of a gamer as I use to be, hell I dropped gaming for almost two years and only really got back in when Spiderman and Days Gone dropped on Steam. Not long after I finished Days Gone, Hogwarts Legacy was just a couple months on the horizon. Not sure what I'll pick up next, but I like to keep my system ready all the same. Also, I planned for upgrading my main components when I built my PC, one piece at a time every few years. I'm not entirely sure where my Ryzen 5 3600 sits currently, from what I understand it's still a humble, but competitive, piece I hope to get a few more years out of.


jaakers87 t1_j91snvz wrote

Thats not a hardware problem. It doesn't matter what GPU you have with that game, it still stutters. So why pay $1500 when you will have the same experience as a $500 card?