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HeroldMcHerold OP t1_j77yubq wrote

It will then remind us all about the same AI bot which locked the course of the spaceship, against the will of the resident astronaut, in the landmark movie 2001: Space Odyssey.

It will then also remind us of all of the warnings given to us by the late great Stephen Hawking to relocate to another planet or die out.

Regulation will not work here - technology's progress has to be done within ethical parameters, and if anything goes further beyond it, it should be stopped until the right time comes - no matter how beneficial it may seem.

Take the example of the emotional supremacy given to us by Nuclear Weapons, back in the 50s. Did that progress do any good? As a matter of fact, it has brought us much nearer to the doomsday scenario that could have been, in another case, made evitable.