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[deleted] t1_j8vul89 wrote



Ok-Welder-4816 t1_j8vvljv wrote

Was genuinely shitting bricks till I learned that all the Canadian ones are fine. Immobilizers have been mandatory here for a long time.

Still glad I bought the Club, though. Even if the immobilizer stops them, they're still gonna fuck up the ignition/steering column/etc in the attempt. Hopefully a very visible lock will convince them not to bother trying.


RandomRDP t1_j8w8t1l wrote

Immobiliser's are mandatory in the devolved world, It's really weird to think that cars are being sold without them.


Larten_Crepsley90 t1_j8x0zy6 wrote

You might stop some, but around here they are just cutting the steering wheel and removing the clubs.


GhettoKid t1_j8zyzds wrote

The immobilizer literally just pops off after they break off the trim around the wheel and they use a screwdriver or a cable and just turn the ignition. There are lots of videos on youtube and tiktok showing people steal them in less then 2 min.