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Retroidhooman t1_j8p96cr wrote

As expected, these AI are just the latest overhyped premature implementations meant to trick layman investors into dumping more capital into these corporations.


Redararis t1_j8pgajb wrote

You could say the same thing about electricity in late 19th century or about cryptocurrency 2 years ago, so I don’t know…!


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j8pow0l wrote

That literally is what the majority of cryptocurrencies are tho… (if not literally every single one). Not the best counter argument tbh.


Redararis t1_j8qyzmk wrote

I spoke about cryptocurrencies as the opposite of electricity to show that the argument “AI is only hype because they are using it as a marketing ploy to make money” is not valid. They used electricity as a gimmick also before it showed its usefulness. The same thing happened with cryptocurrencies but it remains hype. Reddit’s language comprehension is not so good today. They need the help of an AI of a natural language model.


whorunit t1_j8q3iw5 wrote

Crypto has many scams but it’s also one of the most important inventions in recent memory. The idea that there is a form of money NOT issued and abused by the government is revolutionary. It is necessary to keep the government in check. Money is how the government keeps the population docile, funds wars and enrich themselves


xal1124 t1_j8qmq78 wrote

How has it kept the government in check so far

Or is finding child abuse and drug cartels a version of keeping the government in check?


whorunit t1_j8qn9ol wrote

You don’t think USD funds drug cartels and child abuse and wars ? 😂 Every single crypto transaction is recorded on a PUBLIC ledger that the entire world can see. Everything is auditable. You cannot say the same for the US Dollar. Criminals that use BTC are morons, the problem is the government isn’t competent enough yet to understand how to read the public ledger.


xal1124 t1_j8qnl43 wrote

And this has kept the government in check?


whorunit t1_j8qnumr wrote

Yes .. look at Venezuela, Columbia, Africa - people hold their money in crypto because the government debases the currency to $0. The same thing will eventually happen to the USD - if the government isn’t careful, it will lose its reserve status and people have many other options now. Read “the ascent of money” - government currencies rarely last more than a few decades, they ALL eventually go to $0 leaving citizens poor.


Retroidhooman t1_j8pgwnl wrote

My point isn't whether or not AI will be impactful, but how it's being handled and marketed at the moment. My point is its being hyped in dishonest ways by marketers and rushed into application even though it isn't ready for that yet.


Freed4ever t1_j8q5r4e wrote

How about we base our judgment on real/normal use cases instead of going to edge cases and claim AI sucks. This goes for Bing, ChatGPT, Bard, etc.


Retroidhooman t1_j8q5vaz wrote

The problem is these aren't edge cases.


Freed4ever t1_j8q6c08 wrote

Really? Playing against AI inner state is something one does in every day life?


Redararis t1_j8phdn1 wrote

yeah, everything is driven by greed, it is a crazy road to progress in the last centuries.


Super_Capital_9969 t1_j8qak27 wrote

Are you implying that Microsoft releases products to early and in need of more development. Bing will not be happy about this. I however welcome our new robot overlords.


Representative_Pop_8 t1_j8ri8w4 wrote

the thing is that most companies thought like you that these language models were not ready yet, but chatGPT proved there already is a huge market for it as it is, so now everyone is panicked not to lose the train, no one wants to be the next Nokia or Microsoft mobile.


Retroidhooman t1_j8te8qx wrote

I understand the rush and fear of being left behind, but these are simply shoddy implementations and anyone who actually understand how these things work or has the knowledge to fact check can see this.