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WarAndGeese t1_j9x7keo wrote

Canada should legislate to require the platform to push a certain amount of Canadian content. First to Canadian users, but after that footing is gained other people will want to see that content too anyway, so there will be demand for it. They have done it with radio and television play, to require a certain amount (or percentage of time) broadcasted to be by Canadian artists. They can do it again with this if they leglislate it. Companies like Google won't back away because they want to be in that market.


Nocturne444 t1_ja480dc wrote

You know what happens if my Netflix is pushing me Canadian content? I won’t watch them if I don’t want too. Same with Spotify, if I don’t feel like listening to the last album of x Canadian artist. You could promote that content 10x a day to me that won’t change what I consume.