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Intelligent-Prune-33 t1_j9vbwuz wrote

The luddites down voting us are probably the same sort of people that believed that computers were just a novelty, or the Internet was just going to be a thing for nerds and nothing important.

Most people hate the idea of it because they were told to hate it.

The reality is NFTs are the future. It’s not even the proof of ownership thing. We’ve only just begun exploring what they can be used for. DAO crowd funding with dividends? They can do that.

Proof of ownership? Sure.

Contain art or utility software? Absolutely. Act as digital access points with improved controls? Or even a digital key to physical controls?Certainly.

There’s possibly use cases for overhauling national elections to be something… with both complete anonymity and transparency.

Right now in the us… how do you know your vote was counted? really counted ? And counted correctly ?

That potential is probably what scares people the most.


ImNoahHeresYourRaft t1_j9ve4q4 wrote

The possibilities really are endless. It's this blind hivemind mentality that concerns me that 1984 can become a reality.