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buttpincher t1_j9vzgh7 wrote

Your phones data and calls are more than likely being processed by an Ericsson radio and baseband. They are used by every carrier in the country although in some markets Nokia and Samsung are the big players, depending upon your carrier. However Ericsson has the largest share


bookersbooks t1_j9w8y1z wrote

I like how people from other countries will default to saying, “in my country” or “in ______.” But Americans are in THE country.


buttpincher t1_j9xa85v wrote

I see what you mean however Ericsson is the number 1 supplier of RAN equipment throughout the world. I should have specified I was speaking of the US.


bookersbooks t1_j9xaf31 wrote

Yep. As Americans do. Instead of talking on a forum that is international in a way that acknowledges country (yes I know Reddit is 50% USA), Americans always default to always assuming the rest of the world knows what someone means when they reference home, their country, or their state.

Y’all think you’re the world.


Itsnervv t1_ja0flls wrote

A non-American using Y'all is funny. But I agree. Americans think they're the main character even in the World News forums lol.