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Enabling_Turtle t1_j9w633x wrote

If I have to come into the office, as in it’s mandatory to come in, there better be a fucking desk with my name on it. My current company has us on a desk rotation and it’s frustrating as fuck. If you miss a day in the office you’re supposed to make it up, but we don’t have a desk for someone to sit in if it’s their “off day”, so we have people all over the lobby, in the break rooms, and in hallways trying to work. It’s bullshit.

If the work can be done from home, then let people work from home. If you’re going to force people into the office, have space for them to work. It’s not that hard.


rominnoodlesamurai t1_j9wgz8c wrote

Not sure why you got down voted. That is some bullshit. First of all, if the work can be done from home, IT CAN BE DONE AT HOME. second of all, if management cannot provide the worker equipment to function, there is no reason for the worker to be in the office. If the management is so insecure (and they are) in their ability to manage at home people, they shouldn't be managers.

Managed work done wrong craters a company.


tiboodchat t1_j9xcsr4 wrote

Not having an ergonomic desk seems like good reason not to go to the office and strong arm HR with working conditions retaliation. I can’t imagine having to work in some random hallway and developing carpal tunnel and back problems for such a stupid policy.


BroForceOne t1_j9whgwj wrote

I mean that's just a company that doesn't know how to manage hotel desking. If you require 30% of employees to be in the office at any given time, you provide enough desks for 50%.

If you require 50% in some tight rotation, then yes you're not saving much with overflow and should just give everyone a dedicated desk.