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DneSokas t1_j9o2m5y wrote

So while others have already mentioned that the title is misleading, it should be noted that it IS possible to pull energy from nothing at least on paper. In real life there are probably practical limitations that prevent the otherwise perfectly allowable maths to become reality but its a good thing to keep in mind anyway to remind ourselves that the laws of thermodynamics are descriptions of the universe and not ironclad parts of it.


dhoffnun t1_j9ot2kr wrote

What is "nothing" in this case?


DneSokas t1_j9p1jvy wrote

Particles have a minnimum possible energy state that is slightly above zero, if you can find a way to extract that energy you can do it endlessly because the particles energy can't actually be reduced so you can extract that same energy over and over again. (Assuming no mechanisms we haven't discovered yet don't prevent this)