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bigj4155 t1_jadzpy7 wrote

God I wish with every bone in my body that the world would band together and tell Apple to F off. You want excel / word / powerpoint on a mac? F off. You want windows to boot on your mac? F off. Want Adobe on a mac? F off. Just basically treat apple as they treat everyone else. Until they open up keynote, imessage, imovie then they can go pound sand.


PEVEI t1_jae2t8r wrote

Because the rest of us are adults with lives, and we don't define ourselves by brand allegiance.


Apart_Ad_5993 t1_jae8gd0 wrote

Welcome to the world of proprietary walled gardens.

The walled garden isn't for the 'consistent user experience''s about capturing your money.


QuantumInteger t1_jaf4zu2 wrote

Apple would just laugh since this will hurt those companies more than it would for Apple.