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despitegirls t1_j9p4sod wrote

Hot desking like this is common when you have less people coming into the offfice consistently. I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't eyeing possibly moving to smaller offices with less dedicated offices and mostly hot desks.


berfder t1_j9p8v40 wrote

Our company is doing hot desking unless you want to come in at least 3 days a week. It’s not surprising at all that Google is too.


DistressedForSuccess t1_j9pdp8a wrote

We moved to a shared desk model at the start of the year and it's going great. It was adopted as part of making hybrid schedules permanent and I see the trade off as a win-win. Company gets to consolidate space and shed a lease, employees get to spend more time remote with some assurance the rug on remote work won't be pulled out from under us. The office environment is also more lively compared to the ghost town we had over the past couple of years which is a nice change of pace (minus the extra noise of course). I also prefer the shared desk model to the hotdesk model as I always have a dedicated space, but only on a part-time basis.


brentexander t1_j9pjd6z wrote

I’d like to point out that in 2021 the ceo of google was paid $250,000,000, more than 100x the average google salary.


erm1zo t1_j9rcsn2 wrote

Seems like a bit of an overreaction, asking two people to work at one desk. Have they sold off property? Wouldn’t it be easy for a tech company that deals heavily in on-line services to ask people to work from home? Maybe stop paying execs 8-9 figures? I don’t know, just a couple of ideas.


djordi t1_j9rdu4i wrote

They're forcing people to come back into the office AND doing hot desking, which means they aren't getting any of the supposed benefits of going back to the office.

The primary argument for going back to the office is the in-person collaboration. But if half of your team is Monday / Wednesday swapping desks with the other half on Tuesdays / Thursdays you just have inferior remote work.


LemApp t1_j9s8z6b wrote

Back when we had morning newspapers and evening newspapers, it was common for the staff to share desks.


DonDonStudent t1_j9skc6x wrote

I mean it’s an half move. Just implement hot seating all the way. Google trying to be nice still


jakl8811 t1_j9tg9qw wrote

Hybrid workspaces, hot dealing, etc. is what every large company is doing…