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DanielPhermous t1_j9ndj4d wrote

> The issue, for diabetics anyway, is they need continuous monitoring

Given the current method of monitoring is to stab yourself and test the blood, it clearly doesn't need to be continuous. Obviously, the more often you take readings, the better, but if there are battery issues, then Apple will find a balance that works.

That said... Lots of people use the Apple Watch for sleep tracking which means that, yeah, they have to charge their watch when they're in the shower and the like. It's a deal, sure, but it's not a big deal.


Dredly t1_j9ndv43 wrote

the current method for the vast majority is to use a sensor like a dexcomm unit that provide continuous updates, typically for 10 days in a row...


most people utilize blood tests as a means of ensuring their unit is correct, not for monitoring anymore luckily.


ShellOilNigeria t1_j9ot61w wrote

> vast majority

You sure?


ziyadah042 t1_j9pzmoo wrote

It's not the vast majority. Insurance likes to be shitty about diabetes stuff. But a lot of them do.