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SlowMotionPanic t1_j98yfu1 wrote

The technology subreddit is actually very anti-technology in general I’ve noticed. Case in point, the anti-cult of personality around here with some people dominating so much.

This particular project could enhance many human lives in ways previously locked behind the category of science fiction. Let’s just slap the big scary names of some investors on this thing to get the clicks.

Of course bad rich people are involved with financing. That’s how capitalism works. There is no ethical ultra rich capitalist. They all do horrible things to become and remain rich and powerful because they do not create anything; only take and hoard. Naturally their involvement is bad, but it isn’t the tech that is bad. It’s the economics. It’s the politics.

Throw a French style party and let near fully paralyzed people independently mobilize operate to some extent again without the subtext being “how is this going to be used to enslave the entire colony of worker ants.”