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jlm994 t1_j9tq3cm wrote

Do you have a legal source on this? Because I am pretty sure you are just incorrect.

To my knowledge, police on duty have no reasonable right to privacy performing their and can be recorded at any time and without consent.

The police deciding to charge a motorcyclist with “wiretapping” sounds like a clear abuse of power and corruption. Not sure why you feel the need to defend them seemingly?

It’s not “semantics” when cops purposefully misinterpret laws to benefit their power. For whatever reason as a society we have his huge leeway for cops to be wrong about how laws work- it straight up isn’t “wiretapping” by any definition to record a cop.


[deleted] t1_j9u2hj6 wrote



HaElfParagon t1_j9u4wds wrote

Only as long as you are recording form public property. You can't go onto their lawn to record, with some weird exceptions