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Reasonable_Ticket_84 t1_je4z3at wrote

>t having direct access to influence and push propaganda to 150 million American

As opposed to Fox News which is directly influencing and pushing propaganda for coup attempts?


garygoblins t1_je4zd99 wrote

Fox news is terrible and should go away, but that's an entirely different legal problem. That would be banning free speech (the government can't restrict citizens speech). The key difference is that it's a hostile foreign entity vs a hostile domestic entity. You can't treat them the same.


cambeiu t1_je4zpso wrote

>The key difference is that it's a hostile foreign entity

Top 10: Countries Receiving U.S. Exports

China … $41.9 billion (up 89.6%)

United Kingdom …$38.6 billion (up 16.3%)

Germany … $34.2 billion (up 28.6%)

South Korea … $27.8 billion (up 23%)

Netherlands … $26.5 billion (up 44.8%)

France … $22.4 billion (up 17.9%)

Taiwan … $22.1 billion (up 20.1%)

The "hostile entity" is hands down our #1 trade partner and a massive source of income.

Being a rival is not the same thing as being a hostile foreign entity.


garygoblins t1_je4zxv1 wrote

sigh. You can still be trading with someone and they can still be your enemy. Just because we're not at war with them, doesn't mean they aren't hostile.


cambeiu t1_je50bsn wrote

>You can still be trading with someone and they can still be your enemy.

How is China our "enemy"? When did China ever attack or threatened to attack the United States? The USSR was an enemy. They represented a fundamental existential threat to the United States. China does not. China is challenging our leadership position globally, but it has no intention to and gains nothing by destroying the United States.


johnjohn4011 t1_je5l3a4 wrote

Maybe China is not strictly an enemy but they're definitely not our best friend at this point - and do much to actively undermine our system here on our soil.


LizzosDietitian t1_je6ccxg wrote

China without a doubt views the United States as their #1 enemy.

Just look at their plans to take over the western pacific. The United States is the only thing in China’s way of fucking with international shipping lanes


Bisoromi t1_je5ytfw wrote

You just linked a bunch of propaganda. Still serving swill in the US, I see. Eat it up hogs.