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ethereal3xp OP t1_jdmllr8 wrote

>At first glance it looks like a video game, but this device allows hacking, stealing and tampering with information, like a Swiss army knife for hackers

Law enforcement agencies are concerned about the Flipper, which is supposed to be used for convenience and research purposes, and to store personal data. 

Yet this device with hacking capabilities is like a Swiss army knife for hackers and has developed an international fan community that shares information and develops additional capabilities for the device.

Many Israelis who buy the Flipper are information security researchers and tech experts who want to examine the device and understand its capabilities, but the product often ends up being used illegally by people who want to harm and terrorize others. In some cases, these nefarious hackers are actually breaking the law.

What cab the Flipper do?

The Flipper can be used to break into cars and hotels, as well as to steal information from credit cards, the rav-kav card which is used for public transport, and similar cards that contain private information. 

It can jam radio frequencies; take remote control of electronic products including turning off, starting or disrupting them; duplicate employee cards and subscription cards of various kinds (for example to a gym); activate parking gates by remote and more.

Cyber expert Osher Asor, director of the cyber department at Auren Israel and a cyber consultant to the Defense Ministry, promotes ethical hacking, i.e. using certain cyber capabilities and tech for the benefit of the public. 

In this context, he warns various private and public entities against cyber threats. He recently warned the authorities about the danger posed by the Flipper if it gets into the wrong hands.

Asor stated that the Flipper is an excellent device for people with good intentions. Yet, the disruptive uses of the device are diverse and destructive. Asor thinks that we only know the tip of the iceberg about these capabilities. As an ethical hacker it's important for him to clarify that the use of hacking equipment should be controlled and supervised.