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Xhiel_WRA t1_je5yofl wrote

It's not just the logical conclusion, as in they naturally developed on into the other. No, no. SFB just fucking turned into Teams one day.

If you used Skype for Business (and didn't pay M$ to keep it the fuck still for another year while you desperately try to get out from under technical debt) your SFB turned into Teams, as in the client un-installed itself and installed Teams.

Your DNS records for SFB sip? Yeah they didn't need to be changed or anything. They just work for Teams. Same infrastructure.


humorous_ t1_je6c2z9 wrote

You’re right, I was misremembering the transition as less chaotic than it actually was.


Xhiel_WRA t1_je6eemn wrote

God it was a whole thing. /r/SysAdmin had some fucking incredible threads with people figuring out how to roll back, how to unfuck Teams, etc.

It was a wild time to be alive and working in the industry.