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JeebusJones t1_jclld60 wrote

To put this in perspective: If we go by Google's claim of his net worth being a bit more than 4 billion dollars, 50 million represents a bit more than 1% of his wealth.

For comparison, the median net worth in the US is about $120,000, so this would be like losing around $1200 for a regular person. Not nothing, but probably not ruinous.

Plus, there's the fact that, once you get beyond a certain level of wealth, any additional money ceases to matter very much, because there's a limit to how much you can practically spend even if you live very extravagantly. In other words, he's not going to miss that $50 million anywhere near as much as the median person is going to miss $1200.

(He's also an authoritarian shitbag who is on record as saying that he "no longer believes that freedom and democracy are compatible." But that's not directly related to this topic.)


ImmediateLobster1 t1_jcp5h2y wrote

Your numbers are right, but one item is important: He didn't even lose the $50M. He just lost access to the $50M for a short period of time. The FDIC is guaranteeing all depositors will get their money back (normally they "only" guarantee the first $250,000 in an account, but in this case they're covering everyone).