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Bierbart12 t1_jctjbur wrote

Imagine if something like adding jokes to serious texts becomes a legitimate way to authenticate your articles, as AI wouldn't do that


froop t1_jctm9zf wrote

Not until it's trained on those articles anyway


DashingDino t1_jcu4612 wrote

It's already super easy to instruct AI to write in a specific style thanks to zero shot priming etc, you can just instruct it to add jokes, so no that wouldn't work


E_Snap t1_jcvzjp3 wrote

I’m not sure why you all have this idea that AI is and will always be like Commander Data from Star Trek. For what it’s worth, that conceptualization of robots dates back to the very roots of the word in the 1920s book Rossum’s Universal Robots. You know, back when they didn’t exist.

In reality, AI will do whatever you train it to do. Tomorrow’s AI will always be able to overcome whatever idiosyncrasies people are exploiting in the AI of today. ChatGPT already inarguably passed the Turing test, which is a signal that we should stop evaluating these systems based on the ideas of last century.


IFailedTuringTestAMA t1_jczhnao wrote

I had a coworker point out a mistake he caught on a job site and say to me (referencing previous conversations about whether or not AI could do our jobs) “you think an AI would have caught that?”

All I was thinking was “yeah, easily, absolutely and 100% of the time. It wouldn’t have been there in the first place.”