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ericneo3 t1_jb444an wrote

  • US Companies: Capitalism and competition is the way in the open market but only when we're a monopoly.

  • US Companies: Save us GOVT intervention from having to compete in the open market.

  • US Companies again: We pay executives stupid amounts of money, but will have to close if the GOVT doesn't bail us out with tax payer money.

  • Shitty US Companies: This year we made record profits, so we are firing 10-20% of our work force that made it happen.


Tsobaphomet t1_jb583fa wrote

Yeah I wonder when people will realize that the average US citizen has been getting scammed their whole life.

One fun example is how the US is the only country in the world where you will get shamed for not moving out of your family home in your 20s. It's totally normal everywhere else in the world to live with your family forever.

The scam here is that more people will be encouraged to leave home to pay $2000 a month for an apartment. It prevents them from ever saving up money, and keeps them working for the rest of their life to chase the carrot on a stick. If they do manage to break free from renting, they'll be paying $750,000 for a home that should be $120,000.

Every single thing in this country is designed for someone to get a lot of money.


tuscanspeed t1_jb6jt3h wrote

And yet the fallacy is thinking there's some coordinated effort to do this.

Greed and fools more than adequately explains things.