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Adventurous_Ideal849 t1_jd1kej7 wrote

There's a program called readarr, coupled with jackett and qbittorrent it will build you a library of ebooks very quickly. readarr manages the downloads, monitors your authors for new releases etc, jackett indexes the torrent sites it looks for downloads on, and qbittorrent does the actual download.

After installation open jackett's url to select torrent sites to index. Then open readarr's url to add those indexed sites using the torznab urls and api key jackett gives you. Then inside readarr add the qbittorrent url/username/password as download client. Then add authors you like and enjoy.


inasuma t1_jd1o0zh wrote

I’m not saying this isn’t useful info to share, but I’d remove it in the morning so IP snakes don’t see it and begin weaponizing the resources and sending out DMCAs.

I don’t even know if they can. But the less they know the better.