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sooprvylyn t1_jec6d7h wrote

Yeah, fuck our evolution as social collaborative animals.


therapist122 t1_jecepp7 wrote

Fuck you pay me if that's the case. Is it in my job description to train new hires, or do I do that to be nice? You want me to be a babysitter too, that's another 100k a year minimum. And even that is only enough that I might think about it


Am__I__Sam t1_jeccopl wrote

You say that like the ancient ancestors we evolved from had the ability to communicate and collaborate damn near instantaneously, face-to-face, from literally the opposite side of the planet. If they had, your definition of collaborative would probably be different

The only difference for me between working in the office and working from home is that in between tasks in the office, I have to pretend to be busy, when at home I can walk away for 15 minutes and take care of something so I won't have to later. The people I go to with questions aren't even in my office to begin with so why fucking bother.


crawling-alreadygirl t1_jeet2r7 wrote

You can socialize and collaborate outside work, you know. It actually gets a lot easier when you're not wasting all your time going into a job.