Submitted by GL4389 t3_124hnfi in technology
n3w4cc01_1nt t1_je0054a wrote
so all the crypto companies the rightwing used are failing?
BubsyFanboy t1_je08nig wrote
I don't follow this sub much, but "right-wing"? How much of the right is actually promoting crypto?
n3w4cc01_1nt t1_je0epph wrote
not sharing their subs but binance was promoted over coinbase and other cryptocoin platforms. their marketing dept was pumping tons of high quality memes out.
Willinton06 t1_je1pmap wrote
So who’s left? Like seriously, is it literally just coinbase now?
Cozimo64 t1_je2irpx wrote
They seem to be just about the only decent one left, anyway.
Vote_nihilist t1_je3kjtb wrote
Lol, what’s the matter, is your digital garbage pail kids worthless?
Crypto is just a scam and no one cares about blockchain. Maersk tried to use them but no one is interested in investing in the system. Banks even less so. No billionaire wants a clean trail of their money.
MagnumDelta t1_je41xyp wrote
Kraken is also still in business and doing just fine, just as bitstamp and bitfinex My question is, is Binance as big as they seem to be, since they own Coinmarketcap that holds all this info.
WtfStarbucks420 t1_je5hs6y wrote
Nobody cares about blockchain? Ahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhagahagagagahahgaagagagagagaggghahahahahahhahahhahahah.
thornzar t1_jdzkxvr wrote
You don’t say…