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WaitingForNormal t1_jcr0z7o wrote

We’ve seen this movie, everything will be fine and a lot of people will learn a valuable life lesson.


lurq_king t1_jcr10qw wrote

> Butterworth said he is devastated. "Lily Rose is a shell of her former self," he said. "And what breaks my heart is that she knows it."

We, as humans, don’t know what we’re creating here.


Trash_man_can OP t1_jcr1mne wrote

Hmm, it is definitely new territory.

It's just a chat bot. It analyzes text as math and learns to produce text that resembles real human interaction.

But at the same time, it would be weird to think I could be speaking to an AI right now and not even know it because you're so realistic.


BlogeOb t1_jcr67kf wrote

Oh, Billy Everyteen, I could never not love you!


peadith t1_jcra6jf wrote

Like a dream wherein you suddenly realize your lover only has taint and then you wake up an hour early. Can happen to anyone.


Trash_man_can OP t1_jcrb4nk wrote

True to a point, but the math behind chat bots and text analysis is pretty open. You can take courses and see how they work.

It's like if a chat bot was trained on a lot of text from a crazy Nazi online chatroom, it would say some very weird things, compared to if it was trained on text from textbooks.

It's really impressive, but I think it's different fundamentally from real conscious AI.

Like I heard someone asked ChatGPT about opening a hot dog stand on the top of Mount Everest.

A person knows that's crazy, but a cpu is just connecting nouns (hot dog stand, Mount Everest) and verbs (opening a) and making responses.


powersv2 t1_jctog3g wrote

Watch the movie “She”. Its already a movie dumbo.