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Vallyth t1_je0mbl8 wrote

So utterly bizarre.

>"Without these conversations with the chatbot, my husband would still be here," the man's widow told La Libre. She and her late husband were both in their thirties, lived a comfortable life and had two young children.

>However, about two years ago, the first signs of trouble started to appear. The man became very eco-anxious and found refuge with ELIZA, the name given to a chatbot that uses OpenAI's ChatGPT technology, and is designed to generate human-like text and exchanges. After six weeks of intensive exchanges, he took his own life.

I'd like to see the chat logs between the two. In a matter of 6 weeks, he went from eco-anxious to taking his own life... and some how thinking it was rational to sacrifice himself so an AI would save humanity?

I would love to see what influences/propaganda he encountered that so drastically altered his perception of reality.


mov_eax_eax t1_je1dcqe wrote

It is bizarre because two years ago chatgpt didn't even exists, the story doesn't add up, it is like blame videogames and metal music all over again.

Unless there is proof that the interaction with the AI was related with the unfortunate events i need to call the story BS.


robot_jeans t1_je6cn12 wrote

Peoples minds can go to some strange and dark places. Look at the parent who offs their kids to protect them from some wacky Q shit.