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Myrianda t1_je1q920 wrote

I wish the US Govt would adopt that policy. I can usually finish all of my work in 2-3 days and I'm just browsing Reddit/Youtube for the rest while I wait to go home. What I wouldn't give to have an extra day of rest or time to take care of stuff at home. The older people here think it's stupid when they spend most of their day wasting time like taking 2-3 hour lunches and/or coffee breaks to stretch out what little work they actually do.


jean__meslier t1_je2bzyt wrote

Dear God I would kill for your job. The stress and competition in my job is degrading my health and sucking the joy out of everything in life.

What department are you in? What qualifications would someone need?


Myrianda t1_je4u3jw wrote

I work in a TS facility, so you'd have to have a clearance plus have Sec+ to start. Other than that, I do Windows AD work, database stuff, and whatever they decide to throw on my plate. I kind of lucked out though, since I was working on my Sec+ and BS while I was doing a low-pay GG3 job, but during Covid the govt barely worked so I took the time to power through my college courses to finish fast.

For security reasons, I can't say where or what I do beyond that, unfortunately. I can't have my phone on me, which really sucks for day-to-day stuff too.