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Maximum-Carpet2740 t1_je1ui06 wrote

You can spot patterns and it becomes obvious fairly quickly who is legitimately having a one off issue, and someone who is playing the system and just making excuses. The company very quickly at the start of the pandemic provided everyone with hotspots etc because of the constant home internet connection\wifi problems.

Part of the problem is corporate policy itself. I don’t know how much you know about Sam’s Club and Walmart corporate policy but it’s very hard to fire the lazy\problem employees in the corporate\home office space. There’s a whole verbal warning, three written warnings\write ups and coaching etc before you can even be considered for being fired. And the things you have to do to even get a write up have to be ongoing issues, and are pretty egregious from my point of view in the construction industry where people can get fired on the spot for things.


Living-blech t1_je2lz9k wrote

Part of why people are disagreeing with you is exactly because of the last statement. You're looking at a cooperate/service industry (little hands on in the actual service part, and most can be done from a terminal accessed from anywhere) from the eyes of someone in the construction industry (a VERY hands-on industry where you need to be at the site to do the work).

The problem is that the cooperate policy is so lenient, so people have less incentive to do work constantly. If it were less lenient, you'd have the less lazy people doing their jobs and the lazy ones out of a job. That being said, expecting constant results is unfair in an industry where many customers fail to see you as human, making the job even harder.


Maximum-Carpet2740 t1_je2ojr0 wrote

I don’t care that people are downvoting me to oblivion because I don’t care about the karma counter, and my comment was made in jest.

Outside of workers possibly being more easily distracted at home, we have research from the pandemic that WFH is really good for the relationship of your in group, (your individual team) but is bad for the interdependent relationships between different departments and how all the sectors of the organization interact. Essentially individual team cohesion goes way up, but out group connections and collaboration suffer massively because you are no longer interacting with or forging relationships with people who work in different departments and on different teams etc. in your day to day. It also makes your job a lot less secure. I think hybrid is a good compromise personally.
