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MooseHeckler t1_je30ut0 wrote

We absolutely have a neo feudal aristocracy.


SlientlySmiling t1_je3bv4e wrote

Then burn them to the ground. We fought a fucking revolution over this.


MooseHeckler t1_je3ckju wrote

I think there should be a soft revolution of sorts to be honest. It seems like the super wealthy are untouchable at times.


davebowmanandhal t1_je3atox wrote

This sounds deliberately obtuse. Although the US doesn’t have a formal aristocratic class, it certainly has a class strata.


esmith000 t1_je5sau1 wrote

Is that what you really want? Everyone to be exact equal? What do you want?


davebowmanandhal t1_je5t9aj wrote

No, my post doesn’t imply that so you can relax with the knee jerk response nonsense.


esmith000 t1_je5tf9n wrote

I literally asked what do you want? And I'm the knee jerking? Lol. No.

Can you answer?


m0le t1_je4crro wrote

Do you have a group of people who are incredibly powerful, don't have to work any more yet often do, gravitating to getting involved in politics, and can pass that power to their family? Does that family power wax and wane over time as they fight with the other families in similar exulted positions?

You have an aristocracy.


TeaKingMac t1_je3824d wrote

We don't have a bunch of people who own things and collect rent off them instead of working?

Yeah, we don't have dukes or counts with hereditary titles, but we absolutely have people who fulfill the other characteristics of an aristocracy