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ikindahateusernames t1_je1r3fr wrote

Antitrust regulation in the US is a joke. I don't know why this is somehow newsworthy, but I doubt anything will happen that benefits the average person. Frankly, I am tired of so-called news companies and journalists (EDIT: and elected officials) not being more critical of companies and their anti-consumer behavior.

Where was the concern when Google and Facebook and the like were buying up smaller tech companies to either integrate services or squash competition? Why was Disney allowed to buy 20th Century Fox, Marvel Entertainment, LucasFilm, and other media companies? Similar question with Microsoft and Sony buying multiple game developers (and waging exclusivity bullshit)?

As with a lot these days, in response to this story, I'll believe it when I see it.


Kastar_Troy t1_je23csy wrote

Happening again right now with MS and Activision and they won't stop shit.

Corporations will be bigger than all of the governments one day if we allow this to continue, we already have enough trouble with them at their current sizes...


tickleMyBigPoop t1_je2wwmu wrote

due to the extremely low barriers of entry to game dev oh and the fact msft merged with acti wouldn’t make a monopoly….well both would mean anti-trust has no grounds


Explorers_bub t1_je36rj6 wrote

Isn’t this what Rollerball warned us of?


pwlloth t1_je4i1ew wrote

it’s what the foundation series by asimov earned us about, too. the trader faction


FreakLipsHighC t1_je3myjk wrote

Cynicism is easy.

Yea antitrust has been a joke.

Lina Kahn is trying. She is pissing off a lot of people.

Do I know that she’ll do a good job? No

Do I think she’s even targeting the right stuff? Not necessarily

But something has materially changed in that we finally have a regular that at least talks a good game.

If you have specific reason why you think it won’t work, I’d love to hear them

But generalized cynicism doesn’t help anyone.