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SidewaysFancyPrance t1_jddxd0n wrote

It's the tracking. I don't think my HOA should be able to share my car's location in my private community with the police. If you live near one of these HOAs, the police could know every time you drive to or from your home. You're OK with that? Personal tracking that will never be used to help you, but only harm you?

Imagine if a group of thieves managed to gain access to this data. They'd know exactly when to rob people.

Now I'll wait for someone to inform me that a random person's right to monitor and track all of my movements is "freedom" but my desire to keep my location private is "communism" or something.


phenolic72 t1_jdeud41 wrote

The security is what bothers me. No system is secure. Corporations that focus massive budgets on the security of their data still manage to be breeched on a daily basis.


GhostofDownvotes t1_jdgcz1f wrote

> the police could know every time you drive to or from your home. You’re OK with that?

You mean it’s like having private security for “free”? Yeah, I’m very much okay with that.

> Personal tracking that will never be used to help you, but only harm you?

Lmfao. Yes, this will never be used to help you, but only to harm you. Like when a pedo pulls your son into a van, the camera capturing that? Harmful to you.

This oh-noes-surveillance bitching is really quite pathetic. We used to have serial killers who were stacking teenage boys’ bodies in their basements for decades before they got caught by some sheer accident. Lots of them too. Last year, some asshole started shooting homeless people in New York and the police took his ass off the streets in a day. But think of the privacy of all those homeless people he would have shot!

Instead of seeing the merit these systems have for regular, good, hardworking people, the upvoted dummy is of course some alarmist loser who is very worried about someone misusing access to his car location info from a database of 300-something million people. 🤦‍♀️
