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KitchenVirus t1_jch818o wrote

That same article says it was effective at keeping vaccinated people healthy. If you could still transmit it to someone who’s not vaccinated that’s their fault


[deleted] t1_jchvq9v wrote



outsidetheparty t1_jci00jq wrote

In other words, “the precautions worked, therefore we didn’t need the precautions.”

Jesus, dude. That’s just appalling.

Millions of people died. Millions. How have you forgotten that already? How dare you downplay it as “relatively harmless”?


[deleted] t1_jcknv2i wrote



outsidetheparty t1_jckrqwd wrote

C'mon, man. You can't possibly be as dense as you're pretending to be right now. That doesn't even make sense as fiction, let alone as something that could actually happen on earth.

For what you're describing to be true would require a worldwide conspiracy involving basically every health care worker and records-keeper on the planet, with literally every government and organization suddenly cooperating even with their direct ideological enemies, all of this working in concert, all in perfect secrecy.

Not to mention that recording other types of death as COVID deaths would be obvious at a glance to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention, because there'd have to be a sudden unexplainable drop in the number of recorded deaths from every other cause.

And all of this for literally no reason or benefit other than to, um, *checks notes* increase the rent in Sydney? That's your grand conspiracy?

Seriously I don't understand how people like you get tricked into spouting such obviously ridiculous beliefs. I really don't.