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sanjsrik t1_jcgtfoz wrote

Wait? People actually use these stores?


ghaelon t1_jcgy75f wrote

I thought Amazon was liberating me from the chains of having to actually drive and visit physical retail stores. And they want me to go to their fucking store now?


damon459 t1_jciso2o wrote

They own Whole Foods…


ghaelon t1_jckhp1m wrote

I never cared for whole foods anyway. The quote unquote organic label is unregulated. If organic is the primary focus of the label I avoid it.


Cykon t1_jch7cmg wrote

I've been to a whole foods with the walkout tech. We can debate for days about what kind of data they're collecting, but it really was a much better grocery experience


pwdr7 t1_jchadyp wrote

As shitty as Amazon is, these stores are cool as fuck and are a very interesting experience.


Due-Ad2956 t1_jci35le wrote

Yes , but they keep data on you using your face, what you buy , what time you come in and out. For years. Then they either use it or sell the info. To solicit


reohh t1_jci7sut wrote

They’re doing all that (with the exception of facial data) when you go on their website or use their app anyway


Frymewitheggs t1_jciuhl1 wrote

Fun fact store cards and Credit cards do the exact same thing.


Rudy69 t1_jciak5i wrote

I’d love to be able to walk into a store grab what I need and fuck right off. When I do this right now they always involve the cops