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BlissfulGreen2 t1_jch9y73 wrote

Are the store employees prohibited from recognizing the faces of customers? This is nonsense.


GhostOfKingGilgamesh t1_jchinlo wrote

Until they sell the data to the US government and you get arrested for protesting a dystopian fascist society, which is where facial recognition takes you.


BlissfulGreen2 t1_jchjk35 wrote

Like Minority Report! Except if you don’t think the government has at least 10 photographs of your face, you’re way behind the curve on this.


BlissfulGreen2 t1_jchjogh wrote

Plus they wouldn’t arrest you for promoting a dystopian racist society, they’d give you a job!


angryve t1_jchvlyy wrote

Dude. The government already has this data if you have any kind of social media presence and plenty of licenses for everything from Clearview to briefcam and anything in between. Your phone provides more usable intel on you than any biometric marker could hope to achieve (given the state of the tech)The problem isn’t the tool. The problem is that the regulations around the usage of that data, particularly by law enforcement, are basically nonexistent. More laws need to be in place to meet minimum viable standards of efficacy (because police can lower recognition thresholds, get a match, and use that as a lead) and what situations they CAN use it in. I think people overestimate how much the government tracks it’s citizens (most of us aren’t interesting), and underestimates how often they’re tracked and manipulated by apps on their phone.