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2SK170A t1_jd364xp wrote

Retail E-books have been a win for publishers, and flat or a loss for authors. And us readers.


ticklechickens t1_jd540t6 wrote

If you are writing genre fiction (romance, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror, etc.), you are probably better off self-publishing, honestly. Romance and sci-fi in particular have very indie author friendly readers. Publishers these days expect authors to do most of their own promotion anyway.


2SK170A t1_jd5t7v8 wrote

I'll take your word for it, but I still think there should be a better middle-ground where good authors get a fair deal and a decent push from publishers.


ticklechickens t1_jd5w2lk wrote

Absolutely, mid list authors are not getting the support they once did.


Vainpaix t1_jd3pkcs wrote

> And us readers.

Your punctuation doesn't make sense.

Also, Ebooks are a godsend to me; being able to annotate and shit inside the book is just awesome. Minimal vendor lock-in with a Pocketbook eReader is great too.


2SK170A t1_jd3u77o wrote

I like ebooks; I'm only saying that their introduction has helped publishers more than authors.

I particularly like how you can click on a word and get the definition. I particularly dislike how you pay almost as much as a paper book but it cant be handed on when you're done.


HereToDoThingz t1_jd4tf4r wrote

Read the room.


Vainpaix t1_jd57fo6 wrote

I would need to get too close to others shit-smeared books to do that, the only ones I'll approach are mine.


HereToDoThingz t1_jd5dwp3 wrote

Damnit Cotton I hit you with the layup and you fumbled the fancy footwork.


ZeroOnline t1_jd5ansj wrote

Punctikn doesn't make sense

But I'll still rely to the comment.

Does it make sense or not?