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WhoaEazzzyTurbo t1_jdd53kc wrote

Apple is a private company and allowed to enforce employment participation measures.


prophet001 t1_jddcz60 wrote

And we're allowed to not work for them.


waywalker t1_jdenr4k wrote

Perhaps, but that's not what's happening. Instead of being adults about it and finding a job which aligns better with their preferred work environment, they whine about it and hope that if they hold their breath and stamp their feet enough they'll get what they want. Maybe, if they're lucky, they'll even get a cookie.


prophet001 t1_jdetyys wrote

We're also allowed to make demands of the companies we work for. It's a two-way street. Companies only have power over us insofar as we allow them to have power over us


theusername_is_taken t1_jdfktj0 wrote

It blows me away how willing people are to just allow corporations to have unilateral power when they are the economic size of a decent sized country, especially in Apple’s case. But these same people would freak the fuck out if the government told them to do the same shit. The brainwashing is real in America. Suck the corporation’s dick and never complain. Don’t like it? Find another corporation, where you’ll checks notes have to suck their dick. Ah, the illusion of freedom in capitalist America.


HYRHDF3332 t1_jddmekm wrote

Of course, and they may even succeed in the short term. In the long term, this is a lost cause and basic market forces will force the issue:

  1. Huge savings on overhead

  2. Competitive advantage when it comes to attracting talent

You can't put the genie back in the bottle and the number 1 hurdle to business adopting major changes like this was blown to bits by covid. The, "this is the way we've always done it", excuse.


Mijal t1_jddsut5 wrote

  1. Good talent
  2. Normal "market" wages (not overpaying)
  3. On-site workers

Pick 2.


Mr_J90K t1_jde6bax wrote

I'd argue 1/3 are harder than ever before, you're basically banking on grabbing the selection of good engineers that like being in the office and that does seem to be a minority of engineers as a whole. That isn't to say there aren't some, the best engineer I've ever met loves going into the office BUT in my experience it is the minority for sure.


slowpoke2018 t1_jddnxyl wrote

Indeed, let them reap what they sow = losing top tech talent


WhoaEazzzyTurbo t1_jdeu172 wrote

It’s humorous this comment of mine is getting downvoted enough though it’s 100% factual. Just goes to show thin-skinned butthurt people can’t handle the truth.
