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BeardyAndGingerish t1_itrnxpg wrote

Thing is, facebook isnt doing VR well. Theyre copying secondlife's business model and pretending its new, theyre creating unwanted walled gardens in an open space, theyre shoehorning tracking and forcing logins, and thats just off the too of my head.

VR has a future, facebooks practices do not.


blippie t1_itspao8 wrote

And strangely enough, no-one trusts lizard boy. I guess Mark is the dumb-fuck now.


empirebuilder1 t1_itteuew wrote

They've somehow dumped 5x Boeing's R&D budget into this project in the past couple years and still made an end result that appears worse in both UX and graphical quality than a small independent developer made in half the time with 1/100th the budget. The entire thing is mismanaged and DoA.