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GoldWallpaper t1_iu23p8k wrote

Meanwhile, my company just signed a multi-million dollar deal with AWS.

The retail business will go up and down with the economy, with down markets creating buying opportunities; the cloud services will grow steadily for a long, long time.


HanzJWermhat t1_iu2pbi3 wrote

Devils advocate that companies are fickle. One of the first places they find to cut are new investments and fixed capital expenditure. Many company’s build on AWS because they themselves are building totally new innovations not just migrating workflows from on-prem to cloud. In a recession that dries up to some degree. Long term tho, yeah pretty much a safe bet. Azure and Gcloud can’t compete


Apoxie t1_iu2rhlp wrote

I beg to differ, i see many clients switch from AWS to Azure, so i think AWS might have a harder time in the future (but competition is good!)


HanzJWermhat t1_iu2rzgl wrote

Azure is objectively worse in every way and is more expensive. CIO’s only trust Microsoft because of the branding. “They make computers for the government so they must have the best security sand resiliency”


johnnychang25678 t1_iu2ufq9 wrote

The growth wouldn’t be as fast as previous years tho. Companies are finally realizing how many unused and overpriced cloud services they’re using.