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jasongw t1_iug3o98 wrote

LTSB/C is not intended for desktop deployment. It is designed for deployments on medical devices, ATM machines and similar use cases where its functionality doesn't need to evolve over time.

LTSB/C introduces issues for different reasons: it doesn't have the full range of functionality as a desktop focused edition of Windows does, which means in turn that numerous applications either don't work correctly or completely, and good luck figuring that out in advance.

The entire mentality of leaving a PC in feature stasis for years on end is there kind of antiquated bullshit we did back in the 90's and early 00's. It worked at that time and I'm that context, but it does not work in 2022.


iNyander t1_iug6gle wrote

You're not answering my question. What is not working for you? Or are you just making an issue out of a nonissue?

> it doesn't have the full range of functionality as a desktop focused edition of Windows does

That is utter nonsense. It has everything Windows needs to function normally.


jasongw t1_iug6pdh wrote

I answered your question. The fact that you don't like the answer is your own problem.

LTSB/C is not intended for normal desktop use. Period.


iNyander t1_iug70en wrote

No you didn't. I am asking for a specific example. You are dodging the question with a blanket statement that doesn't really address anything.

You shooting for the CEO of Adobe?