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completeturnaround t1_itoqxy0 wrote

Wow r/technology is really napping. This is literally last week's news. Fwiw today the stock was up 8 % albeit from a very low price.


TJZenkai t1_itotntx wrote

Nah nah dude we don't need actual news. Bring on some of those businessinsider Meta articles, thats REAL journalism


GhostalMedia t1_itotfom wrote

This sub downvotes everything in new. It’s a surprise anything makes it onto the front page at all.


MoreOfAnOvalJerk t1_itox38m wrote

Unless it’s an article/rumour of something negative happening to Meta, regardless of its factual basis.


GhostalMedia t1_itq458a wrote

Looking at the homepage of this sub now, almost every article is about the misdeeds of technology companies. No one actually upvotes articles about interesting tech anymore.


adeveloper2 t1_itqld43 wrote

>Looking at the homepage of this sub now, almost every article is about the misdeeds of technology companies. No one actually upvotes articles about interesting tech anymore

This sub is basically the technology arm of /r/worldnews where people just get their rage boners on big tech and China


MakeVio t1_itq5t0z wrote

Are you saying there is a positive to metas recent business venture?

I'm genuinely interested in reading up on it if it exists


downonthesecond t1_itrfyww wrote

r/Technology also has history of filtering posts, a reason it hasn't been a default page for almost a decade.


GhostalMedia t1_itszq0n wrote

Yeah, should probably find a better tech subreddit. I’m only still subscribed because I’ve had a Reddit account since the Digg v4 revolt.


Tandittor t1_itoujwj wrote

Form what I've observed over the past few years, this sub does not keep up with the financial markets, nor do many of the people that comment and upvote here know much about the financial markets.


koghrun t1_itqvsrr wrote

Winnie the pooh reelected himself king of china. The chinese market had a huge selloff in response. That money had to go somewhere, so it looks like other global markets are up.