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regreening t1_it2dith wrote

Deepfake version of a relative creates deepfake relationship that helps you kid yourself that your fake ‘closure’ has healed your real weeping soul. Sounds about right for the instagram / tiktok generation. If your Dad was, say a bully or a violent drunk or a gaslighter is the AI going to either know this or fake apologise? A more realistic fake Dad would continue to deny and bully you into being gaslighted. Neither of these is going to be healthy. The ethical issues with this are off the chart.


paradax2 t1_it2fgve wrote

Why bring generation into it?


regreening t1_it2imrl wrote

I fear for anyone who spends too long in alternative reality or who erects an entirely false narrative about themselves for the purposes of social acceptance within social media. There is something deeply philosophical in the topic of is reality real anyway, but I’m not a philosopher or a physicist. Anyways the ethical side of things is to me the most worrying. Generation probably was the wrong word. And I’m tired.


CatchingRays t1_it2k03m wrote

Probably because naturally one generation will be dying off at a greater rate and the other is growing up in tech. The better question might be; Why would you slight gen Z with the comment, "sounds about right for the instagram / tiktok generation."? Don't you realize you've turned into your grandparents who complained about your atari/nintendo/star wars generation?

IMHO though, I think both generations were kinda right. For decades our focus on what's cool and fun have distracted us from civic and personal financial matters that have allowed corporate America to thrive at the expense of our people. We 'respected our elders' and they screwed us. But I'm just a grumpy ol fuddy duddy.